Allpa Legal

Urban Planning Law

1. Due diligence on land use and zoning rules (urban background of properties, compliance analysis with the applicable zoning regulation)

2. Legal advice on: 

  • Formulation and issuance of urban planning decrees (planes parciales, planes de regularización y manejo, planes de implantación, and other applicable local planning instruments).
  • Urban licenses (urban, building, occupation of public space pemits).
  • Concept of viability for the intervention of real estate properties of cultural interest.
  • Administrative claims within the procedures of planning instruments / urban licenses.

3. Analysis of zoning rules applicable to a real estate, infrastructure or any other type of project.

4. Analysis and administrative claims of surplus value tax.

5. Legal advice on the territorial planning regulatory projects (POT, zonal plans, regional plans, Pomcas).

6. Legal advice on sanctionatory proceedings for urban/construction infractions.